
La Playa

We just got back from the beach, and i´m busy uploading photos right now, which I should be able to post on the blog at some point later today. Feel free to look at them on our photobucket site, though.

We are SO sunburned. Forget the fact that we were only at the beach for like 3 hours, during which time I applied sunblock (spf 30, mom) 3 times to various parts of my body, stayed in the shade when I wasn´t in the water, and generally didn´t notice that I was burned until late yesterday evening, because I´m about as red as a freaking steamed lobster. Besides that, though, the beach was great. The sense of community and the open, breezy feel in Patti and Javier´s beach house lent itself to long hours spent lounging and reading (Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, right now) as well as spending time with their two children and Patti´s father Guillermo and his girlfriend, Betty.

Right now we´re back in Patti and Javiér´s house, and later we´ll be in Miraflores. We´ll post again when we get to our hostel.

Note: the number for our phone is correct, but you have to dial (011) first to call internationally.

1 comment:

  1. sorry to learn that you are sunburned. i guess you didn't realize that you are fairly close to the equator (i looked at a map)where the sun is more potent....hope you get relief quickly....
    enjoy, enjoy....

    love & hugs...grandma marilyn and grandpa joe


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